Whether you went with MySQL or PostgreSQL we have you covered. All packages come with regular backups so you can rest knowing your data is always safe.
Our hosting solutions are tailored to support both modern and legacy applications. Ruby on Rails have survived decades without missing a beat—we don't force an upgrade on you.
We don't restrict any of the gems you use in your application or the services you use. Using Elasticsearch for advanced searching in your application or Redis for powerful caching? Our hosting packages have you covered regardless of the services your application requires.
A quick chat over the phone on (08) 8486 1086 so we can find out about your business and you can ask us any questions about ours.
We are the perfect fit. It's now time to scope out your application so that we can make sure your hosting package covers everything.
Everything is documented and we cross our T's and Dot our I's so everyone can rest assured knowing what's being provided.
As a precautionary stage we set up a testing server with a complete copy of your application that you can sign in and test to make sure everything has transitioned correctly.